Are they ´´ Room treatment ´´ . They are not ´´ Electronics ´´ . Often called ´´Tweaks ´´ Are they in a particularThere exist 3 working embedding dimensions controls for any audio system:
category ?
Mechanical: all that pertain to vibrations and resonance control....
Electrical and acoustical are the 2 others...
I hate the word "tweaks" because it suggest "snake oils" to half people here because of their cost relatively to the gear and "tweaks" are considered like secondary addition ONLY to the SUPPOSEDLY main source of S.Q. in audio experience: electronic design and gear...
This is not all the truth...
Only an half truth....
The main source of S.Q. is not the upgrading process nor the purchase of a miraculous tweak...
It is the controls achieved in the 3 working embeddings dimension of any audio system...
Unbeknownst to most, Acoustic control is at the end the main key between these very important other 2 keys....
This is my only important discovery in audio....