At the time,all i could afford was a 505u.
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- 31 posts total
The L505u is an interesting piece of audio equipment. I decided to go that direction due to cabnitry constraints that prevented me from using a medium power tube amp. I bought the L505u on reputation. My speaker system is extremely hohographic with exceptional depth perspective. At least that is the way it sounded with the tube amp I was using previously. Right out of the box, I couldn’t believe how congested and "thick" sounding the L505u reproduction was.I expected a little better start up than that, however, in as much as all audio equipment needs to go through a "break in" period, I decided to be patient. Well, after 200 hours I was told that the reproduction would totally open up; equivalent to opening a door. Yes there was an improvement, but only slight. I now have about 1000 hours on the piece and have also tried a variety of tweeks to see if the sound character would change or improve. Agreed, it has improved somewhat but not to the extent I expected. The sound reproduction is accurate and pleasant but nowhere near that wonderful "holographic" and totally open reproduction I experienced with tubes. Interestingly, I am using the same pair of speakers with another tube based system I own. God, what a difference. Everyone who has heard both my systems agrees. I have discussed this issue with various dealers and members of the CAES (Chicago Audio Engineering Society.) Generally speaking, most agree that this is, for the most part, one of the primary difference between tube based audio and solid state. Be that as it may, I guess I am not totally enamoured with the L505u. Lovely build and wonderful features. I wish the sound matched. Unfortunately I really can’t afford to experiment with other solid state amps. This post is almost 9 years old. I understand the L-505 is unable to match the tube amp in areas of holographic and open sound presentation. I was wondering if the L-590AXII would bridge the gap as it's truly a wonderful Class A amp. |
jwmazur184 posts02-08-2010 12:06amDo listen with your own ears. Upper end needing to be tamed? I can't disagree more with what coverto says with what my ears are hearing. I own the L590A II and it is the one I will live my days out with. I noticed you posted this on 2nd August 2010 where you mentioned you have the Luxman L-590AXII. I thought the mark 2 of the 590 was introduced to the market in 2015 or 2016? |
- 31 posts total