Most harsh/shrill sounding speakers (vintage)

Aside from the Yamaha NS-10M Studio Monitor, what are the worst sounding speakers that can make your ears bleed and provoke listening fatigue instantly even at a reasonably low volume. Speakers that are too bright, too snappy, too "honest", y'know, speakers that just sound like crap. The worst sounding speakers ever, if there is anything worst than the Yamaha NS-10. 
Some of the old Boston Acoustics "A" series could be a bit bright, especially if they were aimed right at you, but they weren't as ice-picky as the Klipschs of old.  I think it had a lot to do with trying to get the absolute most volume out of those speakers at the time, which didn't help.
I dont know which Klipsch you are Talk in about. My CORNWALL ll sound damn good with  quality electronics, Old Adcom, Cyrus. Hahaha. Please, try something decent. Maybe,, Blaze Linear or a Technics receiver. Joking.

....then, how did you come to own a Cyrus if it did that? A youthful exuberance that, like some, went from 10+ to -0 ?
I had a dealer. It was hyped in the press. Dealer loaned it out. Dealer took it back. ;-)
Those speakers went from the the worst to fantastic
The reason I mentioned a harsh amp rather than speakers is that it's often the accompanying equipment that can make a speaker sound bad. Remember: Source > amplification > speaker.