Blown tube issue

So one of my Tung Sol EL34s blew last weekend after 6 months and I’m not running them constantly. Manley is replacing for me.

My question is : is it ok to pop in a random EL34 in the interim and how does that affect sound ? Same brand better ? These tubes I bought from Manley are all bias numbered . Not sure if there is an exact slot order to the numeration . 
Another thing that concerns me is I bought the snappers used from some Agon user who replaced/upgraded the caps . I’ve been told depending on his work this could be the reason I’ve already blown 2 power tubes in 1.5 years ? Anything I can be aware of appreciated !

my setup :
manley snappers
Manley jumbo shrimp pre
VPI super prime scout
allnic h1202 phonostage

Is the Manley amp fixed bias or cathode bias? If fixed you must adjust the bias current so the EL34's do not exceed their plate current limit. A multimeter is needed. Ask Manley for the procedure. You can do it yourself. 
If cathode bias each EL34 has a resistor going to ground. Too low of a resistor value and the output tube anode (plate) will draw too much current and get red-hot. Bad! Is that what happened to some of the EL34's? The same thing will happen in fixed bias if the bias voltage is too low.
Manley and other tube amp companies should always provide information for proper bias adjustment. Tube amps do need this done when output tubes are changed.
Fixed bias.
From manual: Set Bias for 300mVDC measured across 10 ohm cathode resistor.
Manley and other tube amp companies should always provide information for proper bias adjustment.
They do.
Tube amps do need this done when output tubes are changed.
A cathode-biased tube amplifier may also require periodic re-biasing as the output tubes age.