Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
Why would those with experience have anything to concede, to those with theories?    Especially: given the plethora of variables, in this hobby.
Since one cannot know the extent of another persons experience, it’s not accurate to assume what they say is based solely on theory. Too many variables in play as you correctly point out. Better to take what people say for what it’s worth and move on.

Cable risers are expensive snake oil junk.

Get a mate to shake or tap your speaker cable while listening see if you can tell if stops or not!!
So, as a long time Audiophile I have tried so many tweaks, cables, and equipment through the years my wife thinks I own stock in UPS, USPS, Fed Ex etc. Some products produce results, some don’t, and some just add a aesthetic highlight.

When it comes to footers, I have always consider them with one eye open wide. Most of the ones I have tried had no audible benefit. And, I have tried most that have been mentioned in this thread.

But, I must add that the Audioquest Fog Lifters do improve clarity, not by much but they definatly help. Also, they helped coordinate the cable mess I once had.

And, I think they look pretty cool. The price for them is really not too bad compared to others.

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