Revel Speakers

I currently have F52s and would like to know how they compare to Studio 2s...imaging, ability to disappear, bass, and overall sound.
Ricred1 ... if you could do me a favor as you check out the Revels, I would be very grateful. If the dealer also carries the S8s (v3), could you please give them a listen too. Hopefully the conditions will be similar and comparable. I would consider it a favor because as I mentioned above, there's not too many B&M stores around anymore. And certainly none that I know of that are close by who have both brands. Your comments would help me out a lot.

One caveat about A/B'ing the two speakers. I suspect the Salons and Studios will do a better job than the S8s in the low bass region. That's not an issue for me because I use a sub which I've blended in pretty well with the S8s.

Thanks in advance.


I will look into the Paradigms. Funny thing is I may just add a Paradigm Signature sub 1 and call it a day.
Uuhhm .... be careful. that sub may crack the foundation of you house. One reviewer called the Signature Sub 2 the "MOAS" (Mother of all Subs). I guess that makes Sub 1 the "SOAS" (Son of all Subs). :)

I have an earlier generation Signature Servo sub. The nice thing about the upper tier Paradigm subs like those just mentioned is that they can be adjusted for phase alignment, loudness and cut-off frequency. The more recent versions like MOAS and SOAS use a computer and mic based sound equalization system to adjust bass at the listening spot.

Don't know how much of an assist the Studios need. The S8s need a little help; but less bass is definitely more.

If you go shopping and get a chance to check out the S8s, please share your reactions.

Thanks and good luck.

That has to be an exaggeration. A garbage truck next to your house won't crack the foundation, and 10 subs doesn't even get close to sound of Waste Management trucks outside your house :P