Cables ... no longer opinion

PS Audio has already did the research. The answers are available forevermore.
The testing is sound, and not flawed. Their test results find exactly the same results my cable manufacturer found and preached. Josh from Downsize Audio Cables also found two strips of foils, stacked on top of each other and secured together made the best sounding speaker cables. I've tried all kinds of hyper expensive cables to dethrone the Downsize Audio foils ... NOTHING comes close at any price.
      Downsize used a genuine teflon backed adhesive tape, double sided too, and custom rolled, extra thin foil of 6N purity. BUT he told me a person can get 90% of the same sound quality, using off the shelf inductor foils and standard thin packing tape. Try it and save tens of thousands of dollars.
Downsized to zero. Good one. 

flaxxer, So we can chalk it all up to sloppy writing then ;) lol! excellent! Sorry, but you would not believe the number of people who do come along and, well nevermind it is clear now that is not you.    

When it comes to Max you are preaching to the choir here. With me anyway. Have only had Pods and Podiums a fairly short time but that is enough to be sure Max is the real deal.  

Max has posted his article before but the first I learned of it was when he posted it here fairly recently. Seemed clear enough to me but like I said we have all kinds and the kind we have the most of is armchair electronics engineers. We had one at one point, he was so advanced he had designed interstellar propulsion systems for starships. I know. But no. Seriously. Not making this up. Designs warp drives, teleportation devices. In his mind. Same as the ones who know more EE than Max Townshend.  

So anyway like I said Max's paper got me interested. But there is only so much a guy can do, and only so fast. Been going through a number of things the last few years. Most recently Pods and Podiums. Now working on getting some F1. Or Isolda. Would be nice to have both to compare. Working on it.

Right now I have Synergistic Research Element Copper Tungsten Silver, not stock either they started with Tesla and have been modified a lot. Way better now than stock. Way better. Just really good speaker cables. Supposedly F1 are even better still.

We will see. That is why I went off. Was already looking into this pretty good, and then along comes this which seemed at first to be another one messing around where he shouldn't. Good to know we are on the same page. Not a lot of us here have this stuff. Are you UK or US or??
@Paul and Ozzy. Josh closed Downsize, because he made the funds he needed to accomplish a financial goal. He also used to send out cables for testing. After losing a pair of very special silver/gold foil speaker cables to a well respected speaker builder/company. That brought his losses to almost $4000 in loaner cables that never came back. Lastly, he was getting so many orders, he could not get any sleep even. It was all more than he wanted. Josh still makes cables. But only on a referral type basis. Existing customers ... their friends ... and people who contact him with simple orders. No entire theater's wiring type sales. He enjoys doing it to help people. But not as a full time business.
     As far as his suppliers, I can  easily ask him. I know he bought the 97/3 silver gold from a European company that makes cables for anyone who pays them. He has a cousin that works there. Moved there after his service in the Air force was up, to marry and stayed there. He is a metallurgist by trade. He bought the Teflon adhesive tape from a US company that specializes in tapes only. He had round conductors pressed to foil by an American company too. I can find out the businesses I'm sure. I do know he used Wireworld connectors exclusively in the end. I remember him testing a Dingo boot box FULL of expensive RCA connectors on the same pair of interconnect cables for weeks and weeks. There were probably 60 or more pairs he was testing. I also remember the day I visited, to find he had made a pair of interconnect cables using only solder as conductors. He had them hanging in mid air between CD player and preamp, and preamp to amplifiers. No insulation at all, and Wireworld RCA connectors. I asked what in hell he was doing .... listening to different solders to see if one sounded better !! Crazy levels of experimentation of every small detail .... Cardas quad eutetic won, and is all he uses fyi.
I can put anyone in contact with Josh. But I don't think he wants public advertising anymore at all. He had a bad car accident, and was laid up for two years. He spent the entire time testing every facet of different cable designs and materials. His goal was to find out WHAT made cables sound differently from each other, and more importantly why. His main finding? Geometry. Cable geometry changes LCR more than anything else, according to his research.
No prob, millercarbon. I'm in California. In the 90s, I sold high end audio for years. Suits and ties.
We stocked Townshend products after a Rep tried to sell us on the newest snake oil ... until he left a seismic sink for us to play with. I threw it under the LP12 I kept in the store's front listening room. ALL the employees, and the owner stopped dead in their tracks when coming through the room. "What did you do to the big Vandetsteen system to make it sound so much better"? Was the question everyone inevitably asked, lol. We ordered a dozen of them for the store, and a dozen for inventory! So I've owned Max's products since 95 ish.

As far as my sloppy writing style ... did I mention I used to listen to music really loudly? LOL
Probably scrambled my memory of writing classes. Yes, we had those 45 years ago, lol.
My lord .... I just did a Google search on foil speaker cables. At one time, only Magnan made them while Downsize did. Now there are a slew of foil cables, including DIY websites. 
Word MUST have got out. I read a few articles and reviews .... almost all of the foil cables which are stacked tightly together, positive and negative runs that is, get rave reviews. Claims are more coherence, and clarity. With astonishing Dynamics, and almost perfect highs. This is the general sound advantages of foil cables. Beware though, all of them seem to use a heavy protective outer jacket. I remember Josh saying he ended up getting his tape made special, to keep it thinner than a human hair. This was one of the things that made downside cables better than the competitors. Josh believes in almost zero insulation, and came up with Brilliant Solutions for this build technique. He also used one of two connectors only. Zplug type hollow bananas, and Wireworld silver spades. He prefers Hollow bananas for everything. Claiming their low mass blows away WBT, Eichmann, and other low mass offerings in the industry. When I finally went with all downsize cables oh, I got rid of my nordost Valhalla cables throughout my whole system. I made a ton of money selling those used!