Cable Elevators

Just curious if anyone is using cable elevators and what changes they brought about. I have read there are benefits to having cables raised off the carpet.
So, as a long time Audiophile I have tried so many tweaks, cables, and equipment through the years my wife thinks I own stock in UPS, USPS, Fed Ex etc. Some products produce results, some don’t, and some just add a aesthetic highlight.

When it comes to footers, I have always consider them with one eye open wide. Most of the ones I have tried had no audible benefit. And, I have tried most that have been mentioned in this thread.

But, I must add that the Audioquest Fog Lifters do improve clarity, not by much but they definatly help. Also, they helped coordinate the cable mess I once had.

And, I think they look pretty cool. The price for them is really not too bad compared to others.

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That is it Ozzy, if you think they look cool they are more likely to "sound" better to you. Like I said before they are a fashion statement.

 I prefer to see cables organized and hidden. Cables are a messy eyesore. A perfectly clean installation is a beautiful thing. IMHO spending money on "cool looking" audio stuff is...a waste of money.