Bang for the buck vs. “money no object” cable recommendations

Latest system consists of Musical Fidelity A308 integrated, Arcam irDac and Revel F30 speakers. Looking for speaker cable and RCA interconnect recommendations that are best bang for the buck. Also asking for ideal “if money we’re not object” recommendations. 
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Lively, oozing color and tonal richness...
I could go on and on about the qualities these cables bring to the table... but I won't.

The FIDELIUMs are the first cables I've put in my system that made me forget about critiquing all the things audiophiles typically obsess over and just surrender to the gorgeous immersive musical experience unfolding around me.  

Probably the best money spent in my whole system.
Another vote for Silversmith Fidelium speaker cables.  Very happy with mine.
Bang for the buck: Shirokazu Yazaki’s Belden 8402 / Switchcraft 3502AAU / Cardas Quad Eutectic Silver Solder: super smooth, warm and dynamic and they get significantly better with burn-in.
This forum has been valuable in many ways.
Not only has it been a fascinating daily read, it has directed me to several central things vis a vis my system. Now the latest: speaker cables. I first knew Silversmith Audio’s Jeff Smith 20 years ago when I was a dealer. Have always admired his work in cables and, although not cheap, felt his cables were are good value and great performers. Now he has developed a cable that, IMO, will take the industry by storm. The Silversmith Fidelium. A speaker cable and soon IC. From talking with Jeff and reading the reviews so far, I am convinced that Fidelium cables are amazingly affordable and perform at a level that challenges (or blows away) cost no object cables. Seems to be greatly centered around the lessening of “skin effect”. Whatever it is, comments of reviewers and what Jeff has to say paints a product priced at $1200 for an 8 foot pair that outperforms $50K+ ones. Reviewers comments are unique and consistent.   Not the usual “highly recommended” but that these cables are a slam dunk, one of a kind. Jeff Smith is one of the unquestionably straight shooters in Audio. He tells me that he auditioned Fidelium cables in, literally, a million dollar system replacing its cables. The result was the Fideliums were better.
I have ordered Fidelium speaker cables and feel confident that I will be very happy. If not, they have a 30 day warranty.