Cables ... no longer opinion

PS Audio has already did the research. The answers are available forevermore.
The testing is sound, and not flawed. Their test results find exactly the same results my cable manufacturer found and preached. Josh from Downsize Audio Cables also found two strips of foils, stacked on top of each other and secured together made the best sounding speaker cables. I've tried all kinds of hyper expensive cables to dethrone the Downsize Audio foils ... NOTHING comes close at any price.
      Downsize used a genuine teflon backed adhesive tape, double sided too, and custom rolled, extra thin foil of 6N purity. BUT he told me a person can get 90% of the same sound quality, using off the shelf inductor foils and standard thin packing tape. Try it and save tens of thousands of dollars.
Thanks for the post. I use thin UPOCC PTFE wire and it's excellent. The tape idea is welcomed and my next mini project.
Haven't heard Ed Schilling mentioned in a while. I used to follow his breadboard tube amp building years ago. Guy is a genius!
@itsjustme.... no, I am not kidding. It's just you, LOL. The measurements were real. Arguing against scientific measurements is fruitless.
There are people here so whack that if you say the sun rises in the east they will say you use tanning lotion therefore you lie. This is for them irrefutable logic, which if you argue makes you a shill. I wouldn't mind so much, as this kind of "thinking" means they wind up with exactly the crap level sound they deserve. But their ignorant comments may be misinterpreted by some innocent young audiophile who then winds up building their own crap system, and this perpetuates the audiophile crap cycle. 

Call out the crap. Break the cycle. Science is science, no matter the source. Attack the science if you must. That is after all the way it works. Attack the man though, only shows how pathetically little and weak your argument is. If you have nothing, itsjustme, move along please. 
"I had over $100,000 worth of Tara labs RSC cable......I wish I had that money back."

You should have asked first.