Pass, Bryston or Accuphase for Magnepans?

Has anyone had the opportunity to hear the X250/260,8, 7B3 and A-75
on Magnepans (3.7) I’m also interested in the D’Agostino Progression integrated. How do they compare?
Thanks. Those of you who have heard the Pass amps. Some say that, especially the class-A amps, have a somewhat rounded bass (and highs).
Any truth to this?

Happy Easter!
I tried the Bryston 4B3 with my 3.7i's.  It was not particularly good.  I had a Pass XA-25.  It was not able to adequately drive the Maggies and did not sound good with them. I acquired a Gryphon Diablo 120 which did an excellent job.  But, my AGD Audions do the best of any of these by a considerable margin.   I would expect that a Pass 250.8 would do a great job, but I have not heard it. You will probably need to audition for yourself.