There was an almost identical thread recently. You ought to look it up. I wont repeat the lengthy post i made, but i will say:
1. I have no dog in this fight, yet.2. I totally disagree that DACs sound alike. And i run single blind experiments all the time.3. Some excellent old DACs still can equal or outperform many current DACs. I have two that do, from 1991 and 19994. Lots of DACs are datasheet engineered and suck. The fact that they get good (typically user anecdotal) reviews supports the hypothesis that its all snake oil. LISTEN!5. Overall, tat said, DACs have progressed steadily over the years6. Most advances int he last 10 years have been in up/oversampling algorithms and timing/jitter, IMNSHO.
BTW DACs have no wear parts to speak of except for electrolytic caps, typically only a few int eh power supply. So they can last a long time. The DAC caps are mostly ceramic and film which last pretty much forever.