Thanks for the subwoofer recommendations, I will do a little research on them. Phasecorrect, your comments on the strengths of monitors being lost close to the wall got me thinking about playing around with placement. Maybe I could move the speakers out from the wall for more "serious" listening and see if it helps.
I recently saw an original M&K Volkswoofer on Craigslist. Are M&Ks worth considering?
Ebm: I bet the Magicos are wonderful, but my budget is under $1K, not $16k. I need to look for a new job:)
I recently saw an original M&K Volkswoofer on Craigslist. Are M&Ks worth considering?
Ebm: I bet the Magicos are wonderful, but my budget is under $1K, not $16k. I need to look for a new job:)