Powering Old Infinity towers with Peachtree 125 sky-- with analog EQ

How can I set up a system where I use(2) Infinity RS111A towers and (2)InfinityRS5B at the same time  with adding an old school vintage Yamaha EQ? .. I've already purchased the Peachtree 125 sky.
I’d love to hear a servo static I again. It was pretty spectacular back in 1971 and amazingly expensive at $2000. Can you imagine?

Any amplifier will work and sound better into a net 8 ohm load (4 ohm  speakers in series) than it will work into a net of 2 ohm load, assuming you parallel two 4 ohm speakers. Albeit some amplifiers can handle the 2 ohm load.
Infinity was man things, but having great impedance specs was not what they focused on, I'd be very careful.
BTW, my main speakers are Infinity RS1.5s with the famous EMIT tweeters and the even more famous Watkins dual-voice coil woofers. Pretty spectacular for 40+ year old speakers....