fusian, Canada understands the PEOPLE can make a GOOD informed decision. The US WAS an track. There is NOT an opioid epidemic anywhere, BUT there is a denial on ALL government parts that say, laws will help.. When in reality the LAW is the only problem we have.. BAD LAWS.. How many people in the USA did 20 plus years for a joint?
The answer is ONE TO MANY... Let a child molester out to molest again in 3 months and lock up an AMERICAN WAR VETRAN for 20 years behind a joint.. THAT JUDGE, LIFE without the parole. Every DAMN one of them... Start nailin’ up the hangman’s tree.. Were gonna clean out the LAW MAKERS.
10% of the population LABOR for a living.. WHAT? Pain is ok? Friggin’ dip sticks.. Drink? That’s why we started using opioids to begin with, to STOP so many people from dying from drinking issues. Using BOOZE as a pain management.. THE cost was JYNORMUS to the country.. Opioids were a solution for the working, so was pot...
No knock warrants, EVERYONE of those. PRISON.. Don’t knock again and see how many life sentences you get for murdering people in their beds... COWARDS... Everyone.. that does it and condones it.. SHAME!
So we are perfectly clear. NO ONE has the right to take the life of another. NO ONE. No country, no jury, no president or King or Prime Minister or ANYONE, To walk into a persons home and kill everyone in there because they have a warrant, and got the warrant because they bought drugs in the persons house from someone else.
YES they killed the DOG the WIFE and the MAN in Texas, and didn’t put one of the cowards in JAIL, NOT ONE..
I’m a TEXAN. Talk about gettin mad.. I was boilin’. Judge and Jury with a warrant? I don’t think so.. LIFE without parole, enjoy your stay guys and girls, turn your badge in at the DOOR..
Look at Hoover, for God sakes, talk about a disgrace to the human race... How many lives did he ruin, BUT lived in the closet, BUT persecuted and Prosecuted those that lived openly as they chose. DAMN Coward...
Got me goin’ now.. Geez...