Dream vs. Reality - What have you bought?

Just curious about how Audiogoner's have gotten to where you are.  What systems have you heard that really seemed worth outrageous fortunes, vs. what did you end up with?

You wish you could buy ..... X but being more expensive than your home, you bought Y instead and feel you got close.
Is this you, or are you "I heard X and never heard better." type of listener?
Also, considering that some speaker systems are enormous, do you really think they'd work in the home you have?
What I have is Genelec 8351b and 7350a subwoofers calibrated with GLM. If I could afford it and had the room I would pair the 8351b with the W371 woofer system and use 1 - 7370 subwoofer for sub bass. If I could have an immersive system I'd have 7- 8351b +W371 and 4- 8341a and 1- 7370. I don't think there are a lot recordings that would take advantage of immersion. 
There is this thing called lucid dreaming. Like regular dreaming only better. There's various methods. The one I like, just before going to sleep you say to yourself, "Tonight I am going to dream. In my dream I will know it is a dream. When I know it is a dream I will spin around. Then I will be able to do anything I want. Tonight I will fly." Or race. Climb a mountain. Whatever. I like fly. Like Superman fly. 

This technique actually works. A side benefit, dreams go on longer, are far more visually detailed and pleasurable. Was never really certain whether I dreamed in color or black and white before. Someone asked, can you read letters in your dreams? Didn't know. Bedtime came, "I will fly a helicopter." Sure enough, I could read the gauges!  

This lucid dreaming technique will enable you to have pretty much any dream you can imagine. You could even dream the dream you are dreaming right now.
You know what I have. See system. I'd like to try the flea-powered route with a top notch 45 SET and DHT phono amps etc.