If you're comfortable with purchasing overseas, this seller has a good reputation and is selling a Kiseki Blue at a more realistic price.
With it now on level cost comparison, I believe it's "better" than the AT ART 9. At least in my setup, it performs with more overall refinement. To my ears either one is a good buy. ART9 is has a more in you face, detailed presentation that an overall laid back/warm system may need?
I've never heard the Decca carts. All the articles I've read point toward a very engaging sound. If you liked the Lyra presentation, I would say the KB is more of that "sound" compared to the ART9.
If you're comfortable with purchasing overseas, this seller has a good reputation and is selling a Kiseki Blue at a more realistic price.
With it now on level cost comparison, I believe it's "better" than the AT ART 9. At least in my setup, it performs with more overall refinement. To my ears either one is a good buy. ART9 is has a more in you face, detailed presentation that an overall laid back/warm system may need?
I've never heard the Decca carts. All the articles I've read point toward a very engaging sound. If you liked the Lyra presentation, I would say the KB is more of that "sound" compared to the ART9.