This argument that seems accepted to the point of "of course its this way-where you been?" has little or no support in the high end pro community of mixers, mastering engineers and others who listen for a living. I would be horrified if a customer who just installed a $40,000 pr of monitors called me to say they sound WAY different after a week of use. I would also be horrified if I sent a replacement woofer for a blown one and after the swap, George Massenburg told me "they sound different and I can't work on these for the next 500 hours" . Or a year later, "the Left woofer sounds different from the right" (because the left one is older than the right). George can hear a 1/4dB difference in EQ at 2K, he can hear compression artifacts I cannot hear, and he has never said such a thing to me. So for a pro, this is tough one to buy in to.
What DOES happen is changes in your ears day to day. Weather, humidity, your health, how tired you are, can play a huge role in sound "quality" (i.e. your personal perception of sound ). Also, your attitude makes a huge difference. If you want to hear a difference, you will. This is demonstrable. And Temperature of the drive unit DOES make a difference, especially when you are the edge of power compression, a result of heat inside the coil. So could the difference be that the speakers sound better after being on for an hour and heated up? This could 100% be true. It would also be true then that the speakers sound worse after being driven too hard (too hot) and you have to let the spear cool down for it to return to normal (I HAVE heard this many times). But was time the factor-no, it was heat.
The idea of speakers loosening up doesn't seem to have the same level of scientific support that other issues that are based in science and really do affect perceived performance. I wonder if other reall issues are being attributed to break in time?