The NewClear uses stock Icepower ASP1000 modules. These are older technology (at least 15 years old). The newer Icepower IceEdge 1200 modules are the newest and also better sounding. This is what PS Audio is using in their 1200 monos ($6K for the pair). However, you can buy a dual mono stereo amp from Rouge Audio Design in Italy (model: Studio N-10DM) delivered to the US for $1550.....They use these newer IceEdge modules too. Have me do some mods to them and you have a serious amp for a little over $2K.
Legacy Audio sells these same stock IceEdge modules as a dual mono stereo amp for $4350. $1550 looks a little more attractive to me.
The NewClear uses stock Icepower ASP1000 modules. These are older technology (at least 15 years old). The newer Icepower IceEdge 1200 modules are the newest and also better sounding. This is what PS Audio is using in their 1200 monos ($6K for the pair). However, you can buy a dual mono stereo amp from Rouge Audio Design in Italy (model: Studio N-10DM) delivered to the US for $1550.....They use these newer IceEdge modules too. Have me do some mods to them and you have a serious amp for a little over $2K.
Legacy Audio sells these same stock IceEdge modules as a dual mono stereo amp for $4350. $1550 looks a little more attractive to me.