Reccomend a good preamp for me.

I have nixed the preamp for a while now with using only a DCS Rossini DAC going direct.  I have that in the back of my room and a 10M pair of balanced cables that run to my various amps I use.  I have been getting back into vinyl again and even a cassette player so I am in need of a preamp that will have at least one balanced input and 2 more RCA inputs.  I have been trying different amps and speakers lately also and think I will land on some kind of lower powered tubes and higher efficiency speakers.  I used to have a few nice preamps years ago and I always remember thinking the preamp was a big piece of the puzzle the heart maybe of the system.  PS Audio BHK looks good maybe or a Pass Preamp?  I'm out of the loop on preamps. 
The latest Coda does so many things so well.. that to do would have to spend much more. Law of diminishing returns applies very well with this pre.  
I also have replaced my PS Audio BHK Pre.  First with the Audionet 
Pre1-G3, which afforded more clarity and resolution, and a better image.

I have now upgraded to the Audionet Pre G2, with even more of the same virtues.

The comments about the Benchmark are ironic to me; It measures great and imparts nothing to the music.  But (to me) the audionet stuff provides much better soundstage and imaging, with amazing resolution.

Is that adding something to the music?  Imaging? Yes and no.  It does not 'color' the music in any way.  But it sounds better!
I just got a Cary SLP-05. they are having a heck of a sale at Cary Direct. If you like tubes, you will love the SLP-05. It is on sale for $2,250. off.
Rogue RP 5 I believe has a better phone stage then the RP 7 but does not have balanced inputs and you need to go with NOS tubes  IMHO but a great pre.