OK i will investigate your options . Thanks a lot, it seems that its not easy to choose an amplifier..
Thanks again
OK i will investigate your options . Thanks a lot, it seems that its not easy to choose an amplifier..
Thanks again
Which amplifier should i buy
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@haimr The Magico A3 87dB is very similar to the V3 configuration with most likely similar loading on an amp, you need a good one with good current ability. Stereophilehttps://www.stereophile.com/images/archivesart/508Magfig1.jpg Good >100 watter that can do good current down into 2ohms, I doubt you’ll get a tube amp to better a good solid state on these, EG: Gryphon Diablo 120 would do nicely or the bigger 300 id $$$. Cheers George . |