My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music

 Its like love and sex go with women. A good system makes the experience better. A great woman makes the experience better too! They both go together great!
What a great analogy! 

For those who don't know what that means, I can promise you it's not something dirty. (but your power cables are lawl)

You sit there and let the system do the work. No tone controls or equalizers. When you obsess about the technical side of something, you tend to lose sight of the goal.

Auditory pleasure.
Mastering92, what does "lawl" mean? 

I think it's more like Bagels and Lox. You have to have the perfect plain bagel with just the right size hole to appreciate the lox. Why people ruin it all with everything bagels is a mystery to me. Comparing my system with my wife would be extremely dangerous.  
I guess pointing out that it is 2021, and joking aside, a post that alienates 1/2 the population is not classy.  Perhaps it speaks to the age of the average audiophile?  Most women never wanted to read crap like this they definitely don't these days.