Music Hall CD-25.5 vs CD-25 w/mods??

I was going to pick up a NAD C542 but now thinking of going for a Music Hall CD-25. I can get a C-25 w/level 3 mods for $200 more then the NAD but now found I can buy the newest Music Hall MMF CD-25.5 for $540.00 brand new(which is $60 less then the 25 w/mods). My question is: did they improve the 25.5 to the point where it would be up there with a MMF CD-25 with mods?? Unfortunately I can't go much higher $$ wise, $400 was my limit but might as you can see I'm pushing it a bit. Also thinking it maybe overkill considering my system. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated..
My modest system:
NAD T752
Paradigm Studio 20v3
Technics SL-Q2 Phono
AudioSource Sub(next on my list for replacing)
Yamaha CDX-710 CD-Player(15 Yrs old,getting replaced now)
Save some cash and look at a used NAIM. For around 800.00 you will get a player you can live with and will allow you to upgrade around it.
I think that if HDCD were going to become mainstream, or at least more popular, it would have already. It's been around for a while.

BTW, I love the modded cd-25, although I haven't heard a stock one. What did you end up getting?
A Onix Rocket UFW-10 Sub lol.. I needed both a CD Player and a new sub. I haven't been able to decide on a CD player yet, just got the sub friday and haven't had time to really set it up with my system yet but will work on it the next few days.. Still in the CD Player hunt though.. just having a hard time deciding.. I think I've narrowed down to:

Music Hall CD-25 w/mods
NAD C542
Rotel RCD-1072

Without HDCD
Music Hall 25.2
Arcam Diva C-73
Cambridge Azur 640
My choice was narrowed to the Rotel and the Music Hall also. I chose the Music Hall because I got it with mods (secondhand) for $500.

My speakers hit about 35 hz very strong (down a lot at 30 hz), and I live in a NYC apartment, so I'll pass on a subwoofer.
"02-21-06: Seditious3
My choice was narrowed to the Rotel and the Music Hall also. I chose the Music Hall because I got it with mods (secondhand) for $500."
Ditto Seditious,
I also just bought a Music Hall CD-25 w/Level 1+ mods, it has best of both worlds, HDCD plus it has the mods that brings this player up to a great player. Not to mention even if I find it isn't a "fit" with my system(which I highly doubt will happen, been happy with this ole 13 yr old Yamaha CD player and this MH should sound be a HUGE improvement) the CD 25 w/mods sells within hours here, seems to be a hotter item then the 25.2.. Thanks to all for your help and guidance here, it is GREATLY appreciated! Paul T