Record Cleaner Advice?

The recent refurbishment of my analog front end has me thinking it would be wise to get myself a new-fangled record cleaner.  My old Nitty-Gritty still works, but I'm sure you all have much to tell me about newer, better options.  Advice please!

Not that it matters much, but my front end: SOTA Star Sapphire with new bearing, SME V overhauled by Alfred Kayser in Canada (dismantled, cleaned, new ceramic bearings and shotgun Cardas gold litz cables from cartridge to preamp) and new Audio-Technica ART9XA.  I need clean vinyl!
Are you kidding? These things are nothing more than a couple pieces of MDF wrapped in vinyl and glued together. Twist it back, slap some silicone on it, clamp it, call it good. If its not pretty with cracks or whatever, buy a little vinyl, cover it up. Or if you want it really nice cut four pieces of cocobolo or whatever pretty hardwood you like, glue them together instead. Cabinet maker. Sheesh! DIY! 
I would like to share a Update on my Vinyl Cleaning and the immediate impression made from the Vinyl Replays, following my first session cleaning with the Manual Cleaning Method using the Solutions as advised on here by @ antinn.

Firstly,  I was not producing much foam during any stages of the cleaning processes.
Is this a good sign ?.

The PVA Sponge and Microfibre Cloth are excellent for removing the excess moisture and from the Vinyl LP Surface.

My Drying Rack using a Bamboo Bread Slicing Guide, become very usable when I put a Elastic Band on each of the Slotted Side Panels, with the Elastic Band stretched over the Length of the Side Panel positioned about 1/3 up from the Base.
This secured the LP in a reassuring manner. 

My First excursion into the Practice, has supplied me with a few ways to attempt to improve on the LP Handling.
I have ordered in a few extra implements to further the reassurances of handling the Vinyl Lp's.
I will inform on the outcome following the Trial use of the method.   

I deliberately chose to Clean a few Albums owned since my Teens and have had a Tragic Early Life ( when vaguely remembered back on ).
These are owned LP's for approx' 40 Years.

They have been cleaned in the Past on one or two occasions, but the last would have been before 2005.
The method would have been a laid flat LP and dowsed in a Isopropyl>Distilled Water>Detergent Solution Probably at a ratio: 10/85/5,
The amount of detergent is a wild guestimation. 
The Method will have probably been a Paint Brush > Felt Pad > and Course Weave Micro Fibre Cloth.  

I believe this New Method and Solutions used was probably very successful at releasing the caked residuals from my archaic cleaning methods, and quite cabable of releasing any other contamination that was contained in the groove.

The outcome of the Replays,
The Albums between Tracks, had a  Audible Tic and Pop at various loudness across a Side of a Album, to the point where a few Tracks were almost silent.
This alone has been perceived as a vast improvement since the last listening from the Xmas Holiday Period.

Much more noticeable was how inviting the Music Replay was being perceived than when last replayed.
I know during my last time I listened to the Two Albums, my thoughts were leading to the place where they were reaching the end of their usage, as I was becoming concerned for the Stylus being exposed to the Albums condition.

The situation has changed and is a pleasing outcome for the continued use of a Album that has been a part of my life for many years.
There are noises to be heard from the Vinyl when replayed, but the Albums sound very clean and the concerns for the Stylus were not in my mind during the replays.

I will try a Rinse with a Ultrasound Solution to see if a further improvement can be achieved to the audible noise between tracks.     

First good news that your getting good results (as expected).

Referencing -  Vinyl Record Manual Cleaning Process (, the pre-clean step (if using Alconox Liquinox) is where you can get some foam as noted Figure 15; and most of the foam should be in brush  The final clean step that uses only a non-ionic surfactant will not foam excessively as noted Figure 17.

I do not know what Ultrasound Solution is so unable to access what it may do or what harm it may do.  The noise between tracks is essentially the silent groove(s).  The background noise of the silent groove 'can' be inherent to the record material surface roughness - and this surface roughness can be specific to the specific pressing plant; or it  may be tightly adherent small particles

If you want you can try this very simple step as an additional pre-clean step to be performed after the first pre-clean with Alconox (or whatever detergent you are using).  Pre-clean with White Distilled Vinegar 5% acidity (use no other).  To 500 mL add 2-3 drops Tergitol 15-S-9.  The 15-S-9 makes the vinegar a wetting solution.  Gently spray each side of the record and then gently spread with the brush making sure the record is fully wetted; and then gently agitate for 2-4 minutes.  After which rinse with flowing tap water to remove and then follow with final clean and rinse as specified in Chapter V.

White distilled vinegar is a weak acid (acetic) but its also very pure - it comes from ethanol and is also known as ethanolic acid so it has almost no NVR.  The weak acid is used to dissolve small inorganic mineral salt particles that are attached tightly to the record that detergents may not remove (I discuss this Chapter IV Figure 10).   I now use white distilled vinegar (+ drops of 15-S-9) as the 2nd pre-clean step and have had good to  excellent results with over 50 records.  More details will be provide when the book 3rd edition is issued late this year or next.  

Good Luck


Thank You for this added incite to use the White Distilled Vinegar and the descriptions for the levels of noise being picked up on a 40ish year old LP.
I have the Amazon Recommended Concentrate Cleaner >DIW as the
Pre Clean Solution and Dehyphon >DIW as the Final Rinse Solution.

Will Dehyphon work with the Distilled White Vinegar ?
Is the mix approx 0.025 mg per 300ml or will more be required if Dehyphon is compatible. 

I am keen to put this added stage to use, before considering the
USB Rinse.

For the 5% Acidity White Distilled Vinegar  - this you buy at your local grocery store.  Its generally provided in 1-pint (~500 mL); 1-quart (~1L) and larger containers. The pint containers I buy have screw top threads that are used by many sprayers.

The Dehyphon will work just fine (its the EU/UK alternative to 15-S-9) - just add 2-3 drops/500 mL.  In this case, exact measurement is not critical, so to keep simple just add 2-3 drops/pint.  If you want to go the extra step of measuring it out - assume 20-drops/mL; so I am using ~0.1 to 0.15 mL/475 mL and 1-mL = 1000 mg; so 0.1 mL = 100 mg; and 0.15 mL = 150 mg (per pint = 475 mL).  

Amazon Recommended Concentrate Cleaner >DIW as the
Pre Clean Solution and Dehyphon >DIW as the Final Rinse Solution.
I am going to assume that this is your actual current cleaning process:

Pre-clean:   Amazon Recommended Concentrate Cleaner /DIW
Rinse:  Flowing Tap-water 
Final-clean:  Dehyphon/DIW
First Final Rinse:  Flowing Tap-water
Final Rinse:  DIW

Otherwise - what is  "Ultrasound Solution"; can you provide a link?