Napalm death - from enslavement to obliteration
Onslaught - the force.
Satan jokers - “III” Ep
Humble Pie - Thunderbox
Mamas boys - growing up the hard way.
Krokus - 1976 S/T.
This was tonight’s playlist. Krokus was a boot cd, w amazing sound quality. Also have the LP,recorded by me to a Taiyo yuden CD. I LOVE THE POPS, TICKS, FROM VINYL, IT DOES KEEP THE vinyl sound,
I record from audiolab 3.0 add so,e bass, and mods, and use ortofon arkiv stylus, for most rock, etc,@:$ use the nightclub II FOR OLDER RECORDS,@# it boosts the bass and midrange.
Love the minor pops, clicks, of the recordings!