Magnepan Crossover Mod Approach?

Want to have the crossover on my 1.7's modded; the question though is how do you get to the crossover parts in the bottom of the speaker ? Does the black cover come off? My modder is trying to avoid simply cutting a hole in the back of a speaker cover fabric.

Any input is appreciated?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark
Jaymark, what mods have you already done to the speakers? What is it that you don't like about the sound of the speakers? Right now I am thinking about room acoustics first before I tear into the the speakers. What is your room set up like?

To get to the crossover parts on a Maggie, all you have to do is unscrew the panel that has the connectors on it. The panel lifts out, and there they are.

That being said, I would be cautious about changing the crossover on a 1.7. I've seen the circuit and it isn't a conventional crossover, but a single pole 2.5-way series crossover. A single pole series woofer/tweeter crossover must be used because it's immune to amplitude variations caused by the falling impedance of the supertweeter segment. Replacing components with components of identical value should be OK, but altering other parameters could ruin the magic of the speaker.
Thanks for your responses, cautions, and emails. The input is very much appreciated.