Ayre K-5xeMP vs. Electrocompaniet - EC 4.8 MK II, or others?

I am looking to add a preamp to my current set up (Kef reference 1, Coda continuum TS power amp and Exasound e62 DAC  - Kimber hero balanced cable) and wonder if anyone could provide advice, opinions or other options in the $3,000 range?  The current set up is the best I've ever heard the kef's sound, however I feel am missing something.  I am considering the Ayre K-5xeMP or the Electrocompaniet - EC 4.8 MK II.  Open to tubes as well and curious about EAR, audiovalve and the Modwright LS 100.  

I used to have a hegel h360 and found it laid back, thin and detailed.  The Coda is warmer, with a more forward presentation and great macro and micro dynamics - this is a huge improvement for me over the hegel, but again something is missing...

have many hours listening to products from both firms, my choice would be Ayre...but since you mentioned tubes...please also consider an ARC line stage, most modern you can get for same $ as the Ayre. I currently own components from Ayre and ARC.
How do the KEFs sound with no Preamp?
If you are still feeling as though something is missing
I would be shopping for something else.
Hi Chorus,
The kef's sound very good in this setup, however I am missing the big deep soundstage I have heard the Kef's capable of and I think I can get more out of them.

I have an opportunity to get an EAR 864 at a fairly good price that I may consider as well.  

Do you have other options you would consider?

I own the Modwright LS 100. It's one of the few things in my system that l never think about upgrading (though I'm sure there is better, maybe someday). My Ref 1s sound amazing and holographic, with great imaging. The LS 100 is very neutral to my ears and responds well to tube rolling. 
I have always wanted a piece of Modwright gear, so thank you for the LS100 recommendation.  

Have been wary of tubes, but the more I read the more I think a tube pre could be the way to go.