JM Labs original utopia speakers

Does anyone out there own these. They are the ones with the light wood side panels and a wood strip at the tweeter. They listed for about 30k when they came out. I am interested in purchasing a pair, but havent been able to find out much about them in comparison to the latest versions, which are quite a bit more expensive.
I’m still using the original Mini Utopias but listened to the line quite a bit since my friend was a dealer. I consider the originals to be great bargains at the current prices I see them being offered. You can’t outclass these with upstream component. They will reward you for using the best and likely be a disappointment if you don’t match them carefully - IMO.
Yeah it's funny that I also felt the old Focal titanium tweeter was natural and extended and invisible in the original Utopia line but metallic and a little buzzy in vocals and strident in strings in Wilson speakers (I had Watt Puppy 6s).
I also thought this tweeter was too piercing in the Kharma 3.2s.