What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
EAT E Glo Petit powerd by S Booster BOTW Mk2 with VAS Nova .4 and EAT Jo No 8 carts
Audio Research PH-7 upgraded to the single rectifier power tube with a Lyra Kleos cart. Match made in heaven. 

.... now I thought I’d try a Hagerman Trumpet MC. It’s still burning in but starting to blossom. I upgraded the power supply with SBooster and installed gold lion gold pin tubes. The goal is to get this phono stage sounding as good or better than the icon audio/Telefunken combo and it’s almost there.

Yep, I’ve had my Trumpet about 2 1/2-3 weeks, and it is really beginning to open up and sound great.

Interesting about your SBooster, I’ve heard others considering that as well. Did you get the 15-16V unit? As the Trumpet’s power wall wart supply is 15V, I assume so? And is there any concern that it can be fed 16V? Or can you pick between 15&16? I have a 16V LPS power supply sitting idle, but was concerned using it with the Trumpet feeding 16V vs 15V. I guess I could email Jim, but it is tempting to try, especially as I don’t use it any more, as it used to power my old phono pre.

Regardless, I’m using the stock tubes as well right now, and seems every day or so it sounds better.
I was using a Benz PP1, but I recently traded some unused speakers for a Chinese clone of the EAR 834 phono preamp (MM only), and have fallen in love with the thing. So now I am back to MMs (albeit, 2mV lowish outputs) for the first time in years.

Waiting for a cheap head amp to arrive, to try it with a LOMC, and if that sounds as good or better than the Benz, I will start playing around with SUTs.