What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
I’m using a Sound Smith Paua II cartridge with a Bob’s Devices Sky 20 SUT and Sutherland Duo phono amp. The sound is completely amazing. I’m not into hyperbole, but when I sit and listen to my albums I feel like I’m in the studio with the artists. It’s not just an aural experience, it is a tangible one as well. As far as I’m concerned Peter Lederman makes the best phono cartridges you can buy. Also, Ron Sutherland is a genius when it comes to (comparatively inexpensive) phono stages, and Bob Sattin (from Bob’s Devices) makes incredible SUT’s for when you need a little boost before your phono stage. You really cannot go wrong with any of their products.
Have fun, and good luck!
Of the four you mention, the only one I'm familiar with is the Whest. The signature three I own replaced an older Sonic Frontier Signature tube phono stage. I like it much better in my system but can tell you it doesn't sound like a tube amp. If that is what you are looking for, the first 2 you mentioned are highly praised here. 
@big_greg, any more insight into why Keith is only making a few more of them? It's probably one of the top items I think of as "someday soon".

Sorta funny, my reaction when I hear that is closer to cross the brand off my list vs. jump on the last one. Cheers,