Klipsch Cornwall IV

Hello all,

I'm interested in what people who have heard the speaker feel about it. I currently run spatial M3 turbos and have an all tube analog setup ( line magnetic, hagerman ) with an oppo 105 being the digital front end.

Previous speakers have been acoustic zen, reference 3A, Maggie 3.6, and triangles. I am more concerned with a huge immersive sound stage than I am with pinpoint imagery. I have a big room and have plenty of space between the back wall and my speakers if I need it.

Any thoughts?
The are useless on string bass, especially when it is an electric stand up. Way too loose! I don’t like anything about them, but, I can certainly see why a person who has a lot of pre=fi LP’s might think they reproduce old albums (Pre-1960) well.

Dollars to donuts this jack leg has never heard a Cornwall IV, which is the subject of the thread.
I traded in my Cornwalls for stacked Wharfedale Linton Heritages and feel it was a significant improvement. 
I traded in my Cornwalls for stacked Wharfedale Linton Heritages and feel it was a significant improvement.

Cornwall IV?
This jack leg (me} has never heard cornwall 3's or 4's. That said, I was a Klipsch dealer from 1989-1993 and was open from 1885-1993. Also sold B&W, Vandersteen, Eminent Technology, Mordaunt Short, Spendor, and other speakers. I recall taking a pair of Cornwall 1's in on trade, dont recall on what, but DO recall being astonished on just how good the CW'S sounded, especially with low wattage tube gear. The cornwalls were a discontinued item at that time, and I seriously wondered why. They certainly didnt have the highest quality drivers, crossover networks, etc but they did make you wake up and go WTF? when you threw on some audiophile material. At the time we had Khorns, chorus's, forte's, quartets, kg4s, kg2s, and I dont know what else, and I was impressed morseso by these 70's cornwall trade ins. I would have kept them for myself at the time if I could have afforded to. Circa 1990. Other trade ins I took home and later sincerely regret parting with were Apogee Duetta Signatures, Acoustat 6's, Marantz model 2's. McIntosh MI-75's.... ugh, Im gonna get sick if I keep thinking about it.

Oh bottom line, I imagine the Cornwall iii's and iv's are worth giving a listen to, but I would NOT commit to buy either until I had spent at least some time with them, especially at the 2021 price points.