stereo review magazine

any thoughts on the old 'stereo review' magazine!! i've read them since the early 70's to their end!!!
Agreed with you about CR and frequency of repair and some other securely quantifiable measures.  I also have few reservations about the measurements they have classically used on loudspeakers their empirical validity.  I think their measurement expertise is way up there.  My reservations have always been about the weight they give to their measurements in their rankings.  Even way back when I would look at their ratings and rankings and think to myself  - wow, I've listened to speaker X that is given a score of 93 and also speaker Y that has an 87 and Y sounds a heck of a lot better to me.  And yes, later on, Hirsch-Houck Laboratories did begin got include subjective evaluations in their reports on equipment other than speakers.  I pretty much agreed with them only a little more than I agreed with CR.  These days, unfortunately, the opportunity to visit multiple audio stores to listen to a variety of gear is pretty much gone.
Ah yes, Stereo Review — motto:  “There’s nothing about our advertiser’s product we don’t like!”

"Audionics of Oregon outsold the other stuff 10:1... IF the customer..listened...." said Tomic1617.  Audionics made some of the best sounding gear produced at the time.  To this day my BT-2 preamp is in my second system and second as a phono stage only to the ARC SP-6.
ecscott, Thanks for posting the link to all those past SR and High Fidelity stereo magazines! How did you get them all? I saw a few and downloaded. Great. Memories, wow!