the problem IS the system. And they know it all too well.
Yes the problem IS the system. But I am not so sure that they know it. The entire population seems to be under the delusion that we no longer need to think for ourselves, and indeed that it is questionable to do so, and that we must simply do whatever we are told to do.
One example, I can give dozens but just one, a guy walks in with a dislocated shoulder. You can see from across the lobby it is dislocated. The patient says, "I dislocated my shoulder." Not the first time either. It is a freaking dislocated shoulder, okay? He needs to go to the ER. He even knows this, was just hoping to save some time, pain and agony, and money. He is a working man still thinking for himself still assuming the system is comprised of thinking individuals. Like, you know, it used to be.
Fortunately I am up front and say yeah you need to go to the ER. Because the other one who is supposed to be there is trained to check him in, waste his time, and then an hour later a doc will tell him we can’t do that you need the ER. This is corporate policy.
When I lay this out for one of our "providers" (which is the term they use to obfuscate the fact you are not seeing an actual MD) and ask if she thinks this sounds like good health care, she looks at me like I’m from Mars. "What is this "think" he is talking about? I don’t know this word, "think". It sounds vaguely disturbing."
Its not like the US is the worst either. In Canada they get "free" health care that everyone pays massive taxes for. They have last time I looked about 1/4 the CT machines per capita as here in the US. I personally have seen patients come in with a broken hip, x-rayed their hip in the AM, and been in the OR the same day with the same patient getting it pinned. Personally witnessed broken hips being operated on the same day. In Canada the wait can be days, weeks, months. Where I am fairly close to the border we got Canadian patients in all the time paying for stuff they couldn't get done back home without waiting forever, and ever. In the UK when the ER wait times got into more hours than they wanted the simply refused to let ambulances bring patients in. So they wait in the parking lot instead of the ER. I could go on and on with examples.
I could tell you all what is wrong but nobody understands markets, economics, and everyone is mentally MF’d into arguing all the narrative talking points plus of course the aforementioned inability to think at all any more.
So all I will do is reiterate to never set foot in a hospital unless you absolutely must, and then beat tracks out of there as fast as you can, all the while telling yourself the whole time the doctor is talking, "This guy is lying, he is lying, lying, lying to me. Oh God there he goes again lying. Liar liar healthcare’s on fire."