Tellurium Q Black Diamond cables

I'm getting the upgrade bug again. Would appreciate any impressions you have regarding these cables. I'm currently using Nordost Frey 2 and looking for a bit more warmth.  

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With further the listening the Black Diamond speaker is not turning out to be the right fit for my system. I may end up going to back to Black II, it was really balanced in my system. These are doing some odd things tonally that I don't like, hard to listen to at times. I've had wildly different experiences with TQ cables and the company is anything but helpful when you ask any sort of technical questions on their cables. They're down right evasive quite honestly, I really do not get it. 

What one needs to know about any of the Diamond cables in particular is they are a flat cable and should not be coiled at all. In my experience the slightest of coiling effects the sonics considerably, for me it was loss of bass and some mids. Once I flattened it improved, but there is still something missing that was just there with the Black II. It could be the positioning of the cable, TQ will not come out and admit it effects sonics, much like Nordost never will for their flat cables, but I can tell you from experience IT'S ABSOLUTELY a position sensitive cable. To some it won't matter to others it will , so hope it helps. 
JC Iam using the black diamond Speaker cables , they are amazingly good for my Andra and Tekton,smooth tends to remove sounds hardness as well.very neutral but with sweetness, no motion sickness or positioning effect.You can’t go wrong on the black diamond series.
I just received my black diamond cable ic, it’s used ,so it’s burn in , it is still settling , but my initial impression, it brings the best of the black diamond Speaker cables.In my system they complement each other perfectly., more musicality and huge soundstage.
Thanks Jayctoy...I have some speakers in for audition and the BD sound really good on those actually. With my Dyn special 40s they didn't sound as good, but with the Dyn Heritage a nice match. And they brought new life to the Audio Vector R1s I am auditioning as well. 

I also have a pair of Nightshade speakers from Verdant Audio in the mix and they are sensational. Every bit as good as the Heritage ($7k). I am super impressed with them, giving me pause for sure. It's a super fun shootout and I am happy to see the Black Diamonds are performing well on these higher end speakers. 

I am looking forward in reading more about the BD IC and your SA-10 player.

Happy Listening!