Why do you Pick a Certain Speaker producer?

Hello. I am just curious, why does anyone pick a particular speaker producer? Are you actually looking for a certain type of Loudspeaker or just a name. Thanks.
In another thread I called speakers "female" and amps "male". Maybe I was right after all.
Cheaply made no. On the other hand, when I see speakers that look like a very nice furniture, have four drivers and cost only $3k, I would most likely steer clear of them. I would prefer two drivers and well-built speakers that look okay not like a very nice furniture. If, however, we are talking $30k speakers, everything should be great; it's a lot of money. But still I would always try to guess where most of the money and effort went. In other words, I would want to "make a contact" with the designer.
I like the sound of Green Mountain Audio speakers because of the coherence and natural sound. More like real music in your room instead of a stereo. First order xovers tend to sound like that.

The sound, the sound, the sound, first and last. Is there what sounds like real music coming from the speakers and not just music coming out of a box. Then build quality and fit and finish. Will it's size work in my room and will it work within my budget.
They have to sound great with all genres and have to be servicable now and 10 years later. It helps to have decent resale value too.