Any thoughts on using the supplied power cord for a PS Audio PWT vs. seeking an upgrade

Today, FedEx delivered the 11 year old PS Audio PWT I bought from TMR (PS Audio informs me they have not seen this unit since it left the factory in May 2010, but I’m not sure how to interpret that news. It could be good news? But I cannot rule out the possibility that the previous owner(s) may have taken/sent it somewhere elsewhere for servicing? Yikes!!! I pray not.)  I am in the process of acquiring a NAD M33 (in 6 weeks or so) and a pair of Magneplanar 1.7is (in 11 weeks or so.)  I haven’t settled on the interconnect between the PWT and the M33 (although I’m pondering the AudioQuest coax Coffee), nor have I settled on any speaker cables (although I’m pondering the Analysis Plus Black Mesh Oval 9 w banana plugs at both ends.)  I am now wanting to ensure the power cord supplied with the PWT is not the weak link in all of this. I am open to spending for an upgraded power cord for the PWT IF it will make a difference.  Regardless of that answer, I understand that I should expect to seek out an upgraded power cord for the M33 (rather than the one supplied with it) due to the nature of the demands it will likely place on my house current.  All suggestions are welcome!
Do a blind test (swapping power cords) have someone help you. If you hear a difference, that would be interesting. I agree that stock power cords are made to the bare minimum spec..

1. Stock power cord 
2. AudioQuest power cord
3. Hospital-grade power cord

I have always used hospital-grade power cords. If they're good enough for sensitive medical equipment, then they must be fine for audio gear. 
Hi mastering92,
Thank you for the advice.  Although I'm confident I'd be thrilled to death w a Perfectwave AudioQuest Thunder power cord (just saw one in real life this morning at a local Hi-Fi shop - it IS intimidating - plus the guy at the shop started to talk to me about power conditioning, so my head is really spinning now), can I trouble you to offer up a couple brand names and models for me to review? (as I am unfamiliar with hospital-grade power cords)
The sound of an electronic component starts with the voltage and current from the power supply. NOT from the wire to the AC outlet! To believe otherwise is to think.that using a custom hose to fill your car's gas tank will improve its mileage and 0-to-60 time! And increase its trunk capacity! 
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I called out Michael Fremer on YouTube for touting a $6000 AQ power cord in his column in Stereophile. Claimed to bring him closer to Audio Nirvana than ever before! When will this cr*p ever stop?