Full Range vs Trad xover design

had the SEAS Thor MTM past 25 yrs, upgarded Millennium tweets = $700 + all Mundorf silver gold cap, maybe get somerthing more out that top of line Seas 87 db MTM. Spent $1500+ on upgrades.
Today arrived the DavidLouis 6.5 Full Ranfe, 
Hooked it up to one of the biwres, disconnecting the tweet xover.
The Millennium is SEAS top of line tweet, just below their newer version Cresendo both 87 db. The EXCEL 6.5 are 87 db
The DL FR is 93 db. 
The SEAS tweet sounds likea  wet blamet is covering the unit as compared to the DL 93 db midtweet <,FR>> qwhich it is not, has  little bass, although it is NOT ina  cabinet yet, just sitting on  top of Speaker.
Cabinet will granta  tad more bass.
Resuults The DL FR blows away the SEAS Millennium mid range tweet, and Its my belief the DL will  shoot out any top of line midtweet offered by Scan Speak and SEAS. = Conventional lower than 90 db xover mid tweet are <<Dinasaurs>>  Out dated, dsyfunctional, = Junk .
FR is The New Kid on the Block. xovers only interfer with the purity of the music, Grant it there the FR is not <<perfect>>,. but its the best we have to date.
More videos comming next week
I plan to get the 10 inch FR and add a  tweet, maybe the Vifa comming next week from same seller.
anyone interested in my Thors please let me know, they'll just sit in attic collecting dust.
Any speaker lower than 90 db is <,Dinasaur>> You need to get rid ot it. 
91 db ses is the threshold.

Yea, of course they are.. Man what a jumbled mess

Are you saying you tried a driver and liked it?

<,?????>> What the heck it that? 91db ses? Is the translator BROKE or just the read before you POST button OP?

Too much coffee I be thinkin', puff puff pass....
Why not both? There's no evidence full range drivers are any better than coaxial designs, if anything there's plenty of evidence they are way worse.
ses = sensitivity,
any speaker below 90 db = junk = Dinasaur Era speakers, 
Full Range is the  superior  voice for music. Xover's only muddy, pollute the source.  
Xover/Conventional speakers is <<Low Fidelity>> 
Full Range = High Fidelity.
Finally after 40 yrs chasing the Ultimate listening  experience I have found Nirvana. 
There is not 1 conventional speaker in the world that would convince me otherwise. 
91db is the cut off sensitivity point = 99% of conventional xover designs are pushed off the table.
Sorry folks time for truth. 
Scan Speak and Seas are not happy with this topic I am sure. 
Both labs went the wrong route in speaker design. 20 yrs ago both should have followed the Full Range path to  High Fidelity. 
We would all have been much more happy audiophiles.