Sellers: When do you drop your price?

Selling my first piece of gear.  I've had a lot of views but no offers. It's been about 5 days. Great condition, 2 years old, offering about about 1/3rd off. No original box.

Perhaps all gear is particular, so if that's so, we can end this thread right here. But in case there's a general bit of advice, How long do you let an ad marinate before adjusting the price?
Yes, I agree with the last two comments. I am not a gear swapper and am not dishonest. I am not a profit seeker in this hobby. And even if I was, if there is no coercion or dishonesty, buyers have their freedom to do what they like. Many times on this forum, people have defended the right of buyers to spend whatever they like on equipment and for merchants to charge what the market will bear. $100k speakers? No moral argument against that as long as everyone is on the level. The fact that a sale takes place between hobbyists makes no difference at all.

FWIW, my wife recently bought a table at a thrift store for $100. She’s now seen it on multiple auction sites for $3500. By my critic’s logic, she should sell it for $100. If that’s not a reductio ad absurdum I don’t know what is.
Congratulations on completing the sale. There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking for and getting more out of an item than what you paid for it. The thought process of gano that you should always lose money on gear is bizarre. If both parties are happy, then no harm is done. IME, it is rare to make money on this stuff, so enjoy it when it happens.
Bravo. Good for you. What you pay for something has no bearing on it's worth today. eBay has a great free option in left column 'Sold' and 'Completed Listings'. I don't sell much equipment but I do sell alot of vinyl. It's surprising sometimes. Some titles are worth next to nothing and some have appreciated nicely. It's econ class all over again.
1) Supply and demand
2) Condition, condition, condition
In real estate it's location, location, location but S & D is first then always C, C, C. Original to the item add ons (original packing box, owners manual, remote etc.) are always added factors. Personally, if those things are missing, I'll keep looking. They contribute to the condition of the item. Might be superfluous to others but it shows respect to the item as well as the buyer. Understand shipping boxes take room to store (my attic is full of them). All the above (well most) responses are good. Alas, I'm beating a dead (sold) horse. 
Something is worth by definition what someone is willing to pay at some point in time in some place by non urgent buyers. The more efficient the market, the quicker and more consistently the price will be very repeatable regardless of buyer and seller. I.e the stock market (assuming everyone has the same information).
Estate sales when being sold to the public “as is” “no minimums” are not efficient; there are urgent sellers. When real estate is sold with no contingency, the price is lower as the seller is motivated to move quickly.

Sounds like Hilde got a good deal when she bought and a market deal when she sold. Econ 101.