This budget phono preamp continues to amaze me.

I've seen many posts asking how much do I have to spend for a good phono...well not a lot! This phono has probably been mentioned before but here it is again, it's the Jasmine Audio LP2.5DU phono preamp, and it's a winner!
I prefer it to more expensive units I've had in my system which includes Linn Linto, Pass Labs XP-15, Tom Evans Groove, and Dynavector P-75. It has two switchable inputs for two turntables, a MM and MC switch, a convenient selector knob for MC load impedance adjustments, very low noise and a balanced sound that is not clinical nor overly ripe, and it has up to 70db of gain! Build quality is really comparable to components that retails for $3000-$4000. The chassis is sturdy with 1/4" thick metal top and bottom plates, front panel is glass like with a logo that lights up when powered on, not to mention a separate power supply built into an identical chassis connected by an umbilical cable. A really attractive package overall. I use it just as much as my more expensive phono and there are even a few reviews out there that you can read. I've replaced the original caps with Mundorf Supreme Evo silver gold oil but the original is really good. I've posted a couple of pictures of what it looks like on my page, and a link to where you can buy, get it before it's gone!
i agree, the jasmine is exceptional, in absolute as well as relative value terms

too bad it is no longer made and the designer-maker has moved onto other things!
@jjss49 How did you hear about the designer moving on? I see that Jasmine’s website is still up and they offer some very interesting products. A dealer I know started carrying their tonearms here in the US. The phono preamp was also sold under a different name but it escapes me.

i was partly mistaken/misleading in my comment earlier - phillip holmes had been for some time the north american importer and ’modder’ of the jasmine units that reached a decent level of acclaim (in large part due to his efforts)... i bought my 2.5d/u unit from him as he did the mods to get the best out of the factory unit

it is phillip that has moved on from selling these jasmines from china

sorry for the confusion...
Thanks for the clarifying. I see them selling on eBay and another website but it seems not a lot here have heard of them. It's a steal if you're looking for a good phono stage.