What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)
"Did you get the 15-16V unit?" 

I did get the 15-16V unit.  I've kept it at the 15V setting.  1 volt isn't a big jump in potential.  I'm guessing it wouldn't cause an immediate catastrophic failure.  It could be that the unit would be operating on the high side of nominal voltages and that would be okay but I'm just speculating.  I'm a mechanical engineer and only know enough about electrical to get into trouble.  It would be a safer bet to get Jim's input.  I'll ask my friend who did this same setup if he has tried any other voltage settings.  He's been in contact with Jim and very electronics savy.  

Thanks for that. I tend to agree, 1V should be within the tolerances of most modern circuitry. I have a lot of family stuff going on right now, so haven’t emailed Jim yet.

Just heard back from Jim, he told me the 16v LPS should be just fine with the Trumpet, may run a bit warmer, but that’s all.

I’ll give it a try and see if it makes any difference.
My Zephyr Star MIMC ES sends the tiniest of signals to an ARC Ref Phono 2SE and then into an ARC Ref 5 SE.  By now the signal has been boosted some 68 dB and then goes into a pair of Pass Labs amps to get another 20dB boost.  From there it’s rattling walls and windows.