What phono preamp are you using?

Anyone using a Soundsmith cartridge? And if so what phono preamp are you using? (Individuals with other cartridges feel free to chime in!)

Thanks for that. I tend to agree, 1V should be within the tolerances of most modern circuitry. I have a lot of family stuff going on right now, so haven’t emailed Jim yet.

Just heard back from Jim, he told me the 16v LPS should be just fine with the Trumpet, may run a bit warmer, but that’s all.

I’ll give it a try and see if it makes any difference.
My Zephyr Star MIMC ES sends the tiniest of signals to an ARC Ref Phono 2SE and then into an ARC Ref 5 SE.  By now the signal has been boosted some 68 dB and then goes into a pair of Pass Labs amps to get another 20dB boost.  From there it’s rattling walls and windows.  
@bekeske  Jim's response makes sense and compares well with my contact.  He of course recommended checking with Jim to be sure.  His thoughts were it should be okay.  The tubes would likely run a bit hotter and thus might cut tube life a little shorter but this would likely depend on the tube design itself (some are more sensitive to running hotter than others).  Ran my system a good amount this weekend since it was rainy outside and the Trumpet is really starting to shine.  I think it's pulled up along side my other setup that I'm very fond of.  It may even be better in detail, settling on the right amount of warmth.  The depth/width of soundstage is what I've been waiting for which is where my IA Tele combo really excelled.  Sound stage on that combo is very good.  Once I get some a little more time on the Trumpet, I'll A/B them.  Currently, I'm not running dampers on the tubes.  I think I like them off for now.  These tubes seem fairly low in microphony for now at least.  I suppose that could change and I'm told a little pinch of microphony is not necessarily a bad thing.