The myth of "best" in audio needs to be addressed by all of us

After spending a year and half deeply immersed in audiophilia (with so much enjoyable benefit), I've identified my tendency (seemingly share by many) to chase the fantasy of "best" in this perfectionistic hobby/pursuit.  It leads to obsessiveness, second-guessing, acrimony between audio tribes, and personal insecurity when reading these forums and all the reviews.  

But, thinking about it, how could there ever be a "best" component, cable, or speaker for listening to music.  This is a subjective experience!!! 

From a purely measurement/engineering perspective -- "best" could mean a lot of things (but they don't automatically mean more enjoyable sonics). 

In listening and enjoying music, there is no "best" -- only "favorite".  And even "favorite" can change -- it certainly has for me.  I've gone back and forth multiple times on all sorts of gear preferences. You can like what you like, you don't have to defend it, and nobody should mess with it!

Anybody else want to fight the harmful myth of "best" in audio?
@millercarbon  Ah, what's point...

About "the best", I was for a while pretty active in a local audiophile group. This one guy had put together a whole system of Stereophile Class A components. Pretty sure every single thing had been "the best" or darn near it in the last few years. He bought only "the best".   

When I visited one time it was pretty impressive to see all this stuff I had only seen in magazines. Great big Genesis speakers, monster thick cables everywhere, just insane drool-inducing gear. Until I put in my CD. Was all but unrecognizable- and not in a good way.  

This is the same guy who when he came over his wife snuck up to me and said, "I could listen to this all night!" She was so relieved, she had been to some others and was almost ready to believe all audiophile systems were utterly unlistenable. Well I had at the time a bunch of pretty well unknown stuff. Linaeum speakers. Anyone ever hear them called "the best"? Anyone even heard of them? 

So I don't know about "the best" when used by such as Stereophile. But I am not one to throw the baby out with the bath water. If we lose the idea of "the best" then we might as well throw in the towel. That was the gist of my nihilism comment. Get a grip. Learn a new word. Learn a new concept. Grow up.  
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I once stopped and ate at a burger joint that advertised itself as "The World's Best Burger."  I went in with a 'Show me' attitude.

It was, in fact, the world's best burger.

Go figure.
Thanks for your responses so far.

Rather than “best,” what if designers, manufacturers, and dealers were better at really describing what their products actually sound like?  Would that have to mean acknowledging imperfection in some areas?  The death of hype!  Sign me up!

Anybody already doing this?

I have gotten my system to sound better and better. Wouldn’t the limit of “better” be “best”?