Record Cleaner Advice?

The recent refurbishment of my analog front end has me thinking it would be wise to get myself a new-fangled record cleaner.  My old Nitty-Gritty still works, but I'm sure you all have much to tell me about newer, better options.  Advice please!

Not that it matters much, but my front end: SOTA Star Sapphire with new bearing, SME V overhauled by Alfred Kayser in Canada (dismantled, cleaned, new ceramic bearings and shotgun Cardas gold litz cables from cartridge to preamp) and new Audio-Technica ART9XA.  I need clean vinyl!
As a Update on the evolvement of my Vinyl Handling Practices for the increased assurances of Handling Vinyl during the Aqueous Cleaning Manual Cleaning Guidance.
I will offer a report on my first impressions about a couple of implements I have bought in,  to produce a, 'what is believed to be' improvement on handling the Vinyl.

Firstly, I tried the Lever Operated and Clear Rubber Plunger Push Down Operated Suction Pads on a Ceramic Side Plate that was seemingly having a increased weight over the LP on standby.
As a guestimate 25% heavier than a LP.

Either Implement remained adhered to the Plate for periods of time that extend to more than a Hour and on revisits during this time allowance the Side Dish was picked up using the attached implement, as well as undergoing a few hand rotations.
There were no concerns for the integrity of the attachment.

I then set out to try these on the Vinyl LP .
My initial Set up was quite simple the Centre of the Clear Suction Pad has a obvious colouration difference to the Flexible Flanges.
I placed the Suction Pad on a Table with the Suction Cup Facing Upwards aligned the LPs Spindle hole with the centre of the Suction Pad using the Colour difference to gain a near accurate positioning and then Placed the LP onto the Suction Cup when aligned at this position.
The Lever Suction Cup was then aligned to be near centred and the Suction Cup was set in place.
'Voila' we now have a LP that can be picked up and manoeuvred with Pressure Applied to its surfaces with out too much concern. 
The initial Observations showed that the Lever Suction Pad could draw the Vinyl toward it creating a slight dishing of approx'
 (3 Inch ) Diameter to a Depth of 1.5mm (1/16 Inch).

The LP still appears Vulnerable and at the Mercy of the Air Seals, using this as a Handling Method.
Trial and Error Experimentation unwanted LP would give a good idea of the Parameters of usage.
The Lever Operated Suction Cup is a Method I had seen on Youtube, 
but two were used, one on either side of the LP to create the Air Tight Seal. 
The Clear Suction Cup was chosen by myself as it will be utilised on a soon to be built support to further assist with the LP Handling. 

The Two Suction Pads I am using will hold a secure fasten for approximately 10 Minutes, a Dishing can still be seen in the LP.
After about 15 Minutes the Suction Pads have lost their adhesion.

For me this is fine as a outcome,  as my additional Stand being produced will alleviate and concerns about the time a suction is to be maintained.
The Suction Cup with the Handle will be the immediate available one to assist with rotations of the LP, when it is mounted on the Stand.
Resetting the Suction Pump will be a veryu easy operation as well.
My Cleaning Processes per side will not last longer a few minutes at a time, so again the concerns of the useful loss of adhesion after 10 minutes is not causing any concerns.

The Two Lever Hand Suction Pad used as a Pair may exceed the Suction Times I have recorded for my method used.
If this method is picked up on on Youtube, in the manner I discovered the method , then I recommend trial exercises for the handling using a  unwanted Vinyl LP, similar to how I have carried them out.   

Not sure you are aware, but you should be able to buy a record label protector - record label protector.  These are the same as the Groovemaster record label protector.
               Thank you for the continued support.
I have seen this Device and considered it.
With the Additional Support Device I am to produce for the record,
this type of Label Protector will make producing the LP retainer a little harder to design for.
Materials I have at hand will need to be exchanged.

As some of my HiFi Friends are Long Term Vinyl Enthusiasts, I hope to be able to clean some of their Valued LP's as the Meetings reconvene

Hence the need for myself to have a Handling Device that is reassuringly secure.
I am also Hoping that a Design will evolve to allow me to carry out a Spin
That will be on the drawing board when the Support Device is functioning.

A update report.
My cleaning operation using the Aqueous Cleaning Manual Method,
has had the use of a Naglene Bottle as suggested to carry out a Rinse Clean Stage.
The Area I reside in has a supply of Hard Water to my property and this was a Water I did not want to use to Rinse Clean my Vinyl LP's.
The Idea of having a Pressurised Water Flushing Stage in the Cleaning Process was a attractor, so I looked into a simple alternative method to achieve a very similar application.
The 'Link' is to a Tool I have chose to add to my already acquired Cleaning Equipment.  

It has a adjustable nozzle that allows for a choice of the dispersal ranging from a Mist Wash > Jet Wash.
The Trigger has a Lock so that the Bottle can be a Standalone Tool and leave hands free to assist with other tasks as the Water is applied to the LP Surface.

When Pumped to a Point that the Plunger is resistant through bottle pressure, the Bottle will release a adequate Powered Jet Pressure to give a satisfying Rinse Clean for a Minute +.
If Maximum Pressure is wanted only for a Rinse Clean Stage, then a couple of Plunger Pumps every 20-30 Seconds will maintain this.

It is a very good addition to the collection of cleaning equipment,
it has the delivery of water that will offer a 'controlled'  forceful flush of Cleaning Solutions.

 The Bottle has been cleaned as per the advice for cleaning any bottle containing cleaning solutions.
It is now containing DIW and is good to go. 


All, as I mentioned a month ago, the VPI HW-17 I bought online arrived with a damaged MDF frame.  It's working perfectly.  It's a shame, really.  It had been pristine before the seller (a grand daughter who inherited it) did a poor packing job.

I'm ready to sell it here on AG (once I can figure out the clumsy listing system).

If I were going to use it in a garage or basement, I wouldn't be bothered by the busted frame.  But I want to set it up in my kitchen, so I've already purchased another HW-17  that was delivered 2 days ago (MillerCarbon's subtle advice notwithstanding).

Any further advice?