Moving up the Harbeth line

I was fortunate to move my home office to another room which is a bit bigger than the previous one. Dimensions are 12x13 with almost 20-foot ceilings. As much as I love my Harbeth P3esr's, I can't help but notice that they've been outclassed by the bigger room, especially the high ceiling. This pair of speakers has been a mainstay in my home office/study for a number of years, and I find it to be a perfect fit for my listening habits and music preferences. But in the new setting, it's not able to fill the room as well as it used to. For examples, horns and piano now sound much smaller and distant. So that got me thinking of an upgrade. I have been using a Raven Audio Blackhawk MK3 for a few months and would want to stick with it if possible. There are very few speakers that have allowed me to make an emotional connection with the music, and Harbeth is certainly one of them. So my preference is to stay with the brand.

Now, before the 'search bar is your best friend' folks come swinging at me, I have read a few threads on similar topics but they all seem to be inconclusive, or at least I'm not able to decipher a reasonable consensus. Having spent way too much money on this addiction, err, hobby, in the last 12 months, I have to resort to buying used equipment only, and that too has to wait for at least 2-3 months. So, doing an in-house demo is going to be difficult if not impossible. And, AFAIK, there are no dealers nearby (Dallas area) either.

I would love to hear from people who have moved up the Harbeth food chain. The M30.x seems to be a logical next step, but I see an equal number of negative opinions (too polite, too boxy, pipe and slippers) as positive ones. Is there anyone who thinks that the M30 retains the same magic as the P3esr's but serves it in relatively bigger portions? Because that's what I'm mainly looking for to be honest -- a bigger version of P3esr. Or do you think the cons negate the pros offered by the bigger cabinet size?

Next up is SHL5+. Again, the opinions vary widely. Some are saying that this particular model deviates the most from the classic Harbeth sound. Another concern is that my room might be too small for them (?). Also, I cannot pull them more than one and a half feet from the front wall. Is that going to result in ugly bass problems?

I'm not against trying another brand, but would prefer an opinion that is based on an actual comparison with Harbeth speakers.

1) shl5 too much for that room 12x13... they need 30-36 in around rear and sides to not bloat

2) tube amps on shl5 will exacerbate the bloat problem, lack of damping factor/current - too much mush not enough clarity and control - esp 6L6 ravens, weak tubes insufficient leverage through the transformers

3) i have shl5+ and the best amp is the hegels 190 or 390 - tremendous damping factor, reigns in the bass makes the woofer play nice never overshoot - furthermore, ultra smooth treble of the hegels mate perfectly with c7 shl5 tweeters which are a touch more lively than mon series which are rather rolled off both high and low

4) mon 30’s are ok but are too rolled off for me... not a full range speaker - maybe with rels they work well - to me they are a vocals and violins/violas specialty speaker left alone unsupported from below

5) given your room dimensions, the right speaker (sans sub) is the c7 -- paired with hegel, for same reasons as above (or pass or ayre, same ultra smoothness and lack of bloat but lil less damping factor than hegels) -- what you heard briefly in the c7 somewhere else was not proper implementation of c7’s

good luck have fun... seems like you are already :)

@jjss49 The SHL5+ are for my media room which is 20 x 15 x 12. They are 4 feet from the front wall and 3 from each side wall. I think the bass issue is because they’re not sitting on proper stands.I have them on audio racks which are barely 8-9 inches off the floor and too wide. I’m currently driving them with Luxman 590 axii. Hoping to get proper open style wooden stands in a few days which will be 18 inch tall as recommended by Harbeth. Let’s see if that solves the problem. 
The 30.1s are in my home office which is 12 x 13. I am using a rel sub in this room and to me they sound amazing when I try them with the Luxman. They still sound good with the Blackhawk but nowhere near as good as with the Luxman. I might try a Hegel in the near future as it’s high on my list of components to try. 

ahh ok got it... misunderstood from earlier posts

yes for sure, need to get the super 5’s 16 in off the ground, open frame stands, ideally on spikes

sound anchors or skylans media filled!

i give you two months to get mon 40s in the big room 🤣
no subs yet; situation might change when in the larger room; The bass response in the current room is dependent on where listening; moving to the center ( about 8 feet from speaker face) is thinnest  due to room mode- and steadily builds traveling closer to speakers or further back from room center;
Room modes are our #1 chief problem in this game;

Your 12 foot ceilings are great ; I suspect the proper stands will do wonders for you;
can't wait to hear about it;

Your Luxman 590 has plenty of grip on the woofer; As i'm sure you know, power cables can make a big difference too- some dim the highs accentuating the bass; 

GR Research is not near Dallas. They are in the Wichita Falls area. Bit of a drive kids.