Sub-$1250 DAC w/ built-in Headphone Amp

I currently have an entry level headphone listening stack, that I'd like to upgrade for both headphone listening, but to also include in a HiFi system stack when expanding my horizon to speakers. 

Currently have:
DAC = 'Ol DAC' from JDS Labs
Amp = Atom from JDS Labs

I am a bit overloaded with the options at this price point, but I know am looking for a smoother/richer sound from DAC as opposed to an analytical/etched sound. The following DACs come to mind - would any of you recommend one over the other? Source is primarily USB w/ Tidal MQA paired w/ HD58X Jubilee's.

- Mytek Liberty DAC II
- DA-Art Aquilla II DAC
- Schiit Bifrost 2 (w/ separate headphone amp? or other multi-bit DAC?)
- Other?

Further - should I expect a substantial sound quality boost from my current set up?
op is looking for a dac with built in headphone amp... we should assume he is not mistaken or kidding
ghdprentice: On that Gungnir Multibit note; maybe Jotenheim w/ Multibit DAC?

jjss49: no joke - is this an unusual request?
Many DAC / Amps are available... it is not unusual. But since you are looking to upgrade already... you are likely to be happy with an upgrade and spur you on to wonder more. Then an integrated can be a liability. Since you are on this forum you are already curious. 
Matrix Mini-i-3 Pro. A good DAC with headphone though I used a Topping A90 headphone amp instead of the Matrix DAC's headphone amp. In fact, I never heard the DAC headphone amp since I use XLR. The DAC itself is rather good. Not warm more neutral sounding.