I use WiFi for practical reasons (cannot run cable across the room). It might be even a better way of delivery since anything physically connected injects some electrical noise. We can argue that WiFi introduces electrical noise itself, but it is already there. Even if you stop using WiFi for anything your neighbors do. I scan networks from time to time and many neighboring houses have stronger signal than mine (not to mention cell phones). The main problem is 2.4GHz band that has only three non-overlapping channels. I had constant problems with it (gaps), but switching to 5GHz fixed it - more available channels and less interference. 5GHz is still not as popular as 2.4GHz while propagation thru obstacles, like walls, is poor - suppressing interference from outside.
You should be able to try both ways. With the same sound quality Ethernet is the preferred one (solid - no drops), but WiFi is OK too, as long as it is operating at 5GHz (2.4GHz is not acceptable IMHO).