Discrete R2R Ladder dac from Soekris, Absolute Sounds review.

Very affordable highly regarded discrete R2R dac from the Dutch. The few that own them here and elsewhere are over joyed at the sound that these dacs can make, and Soren Kristensen is held in very high regard as a digital designer.


Cheers George

MHTD?, old hat  TDA1541A chip based.
I mean Discrete R2R dacs

Cheers George

Okay, a new Soekris DAC 1421 arrived at my house yesterday. Right out of the box it was ugly - thin, one dimensional, and bright. 

Twenty hours later and I am starting to be impressed compared to my old Theta ProBasic III. More detail across the whole audible range, I think, is translating into better ambience, soundstage, imaging, and liquidity.

So now that you have helped me to upend my apple cart; should I quit thinking about an end game DAC (for my price range) like a Bricasti, Metrum, Mojo Audio, or Schitt?😉

That's good to know, are you using it direct or through a preamp, if direct where are you on it's level control for a good volume level?

Cheers George
Conrad Johnson 17LS2 preamp.

I think, along with some Amperex butt ulglies from Brent Jesse, it adds a musicality to my system.