10" self powered sub-woofers.....

I was using an NHT B10 d to supplement the bottom end of my Acoustat 100 hybrid speakers...  electrostatic panel over an 8" woofer module.  Due to the unexpected death of one of the subs in our living room I decided to move the B10 d there, to augment an NHT C10, and replace the sub in my listening room/office.
Since I've had good experiences with Stereophile Recommended Components over the years I decided to look up their recommendations on 10" subs and found a Martin Logan Dynamo 800X which is a 300 W 10" sub with ARC and phone app controls. It also meets the maximum width of 14.0" I have available for it.  The other alternative is the also recommended JL Audio E110 at about double the price.  Since there really aren't any salons in Miami to go listen to this gear being able to return it after 60 days or thereabouts if it doesn't work as contemplated is essential.  I can get the ML from Music Direct or Amazon... probably Best Buy too.
Any other recommendations are welcome as long as they meet the 14.0 maximum width criteria, are self powered and designed for music as a primary application vs. home theater explosions.

Wow, that's a beautiful room! My room is much smaller and could do with an even smaller sub but this one checks all the boxes. I'm intrigued by the inclusion of ARC, and the ability to customize the set up with your particular phone's internal mic. Seems well thought out.

I didn't see the PM.
@doctors11    Thanks for the kind words. I repeated a PM, hopefully this will get to you.  I feel the same way about ARC and whether or not it works just the ability to fully control.the sub in small increments from the listening position rather than back and forth making minor adjustments for what seems like weeks is a huge plus.  I already have .75 of a db control over the woofers in the Acoustats via a 47 step Goldpoint passive attenuator in the circuit that handles the bass amplification so control over slopes and finite volume steps will be very useful in getting things dialed in just right.  You can download the Martin Logan app and set it on demo and see what you have control over.  ...  All the way to the right in the photo you see a black box immediately to the right of the right Acoustat...  that was the NHT B10 d sub that's now part of the living room system and where the replacement will go..
I'm new here so I probably need a few more posts before I can do PM's...thanks for trying. Really looking forward to your thoughts on the sub. Keep us posted.
@doctors11 ... I've been getting a lesson on how valuable adjustments from the listening position can be for setting subs  Been trying to dial in the two 10" powered subs in the living room video system.  Test tones, sound pressure meters..  back and forth endless times.  I think I'm getting close...  I have them crossing over before they start to "bloom" low male vocals and I can still hear the warp engines on the Enterprise.  Have to spend some more time testing different movies and programs but at least I'm in the ball park now.  ML sub die in late tomorrow....   so it starts again.
Boy can I relate to that. These 62 year old knees will absolutely love not getting on the floor, getting up...over and over to get the sound right!

Good luck with the unboxing and set up. Pics would be nice.