Rel subwoofer voltage

I am looking at buying one or two Rel subs for my stereo setup...problem is I am stationed in Germany and due to head back to the US soon.  Why is that a problem?  If I buy them over here they are 220.  Looking through the user manuals, however, it almost looks like on some of their subs (T9x etc) that it is just a fuse change.  My Bel Canto preamp only needs a fuse change to go from 220 to 110...maybe it is the same.
Any people out there more intelligent than I on the matter?  I could wait, but I would rather be listening to that bass.
Not sure where you are seeing where changing a fuse changes the input power voltage. The REL manual says voltage is set according to market with no mention of adjustment. 
This is an excerpt from one of their manuals.  Also, the rear of the sub shows the voltages listed with different fuse types:

REL Sub Bass Systems have a AC mains fuse located in the IEC receptacle where the power cord is plugged in. The fuses are located in a drawer that must be pulled out after the power cord is removed.

This drawer can be opened with a small flat blade screwdriver placed in the notch above the drawer.

There are two 5mm X 20mm 250VAC fuses in the drawer. The one farthest inside is the active fuse, and the one in the square holder is a spare. Fuse ampere ratings for input voltage of your region are printed on the outside of the amp panel next to the fuse drawer.

So, I am not saying Rel says that’s the way to change voltage...there may also be something internal besides the fuse that is different...I noted in my original post that on my Bel Canto I only had to change the fuse and wondered if maybe this is the same.

crn3371, I did write to them and they gave me the responsible answer of buying one in 220 and then when I go back to the US, sending it to California to get the amp swapped for a 110.  Seems like a LOT of hassle if I could do it myself.
Also, the rear of the sub shows the voltages listed with different fuse types
That's to save them screen printing two back plates. I looked at the busted REL Strada 3 plate amp I have and there is no dual windings etc. so it looks like they do not spec these and change out the traf on demand.