Synergistic calls out Audioholics

Curious to see what Gene does...

To continue with wine as an analogy...

Pairing is critical. Great pairing will elevate a modest wine. Terrible pairing can make a great wine undrinkable.

Much like synergy in a system, be that components or tweaks.

I had friends who I trusted when they would suggest a wine. And, they are very much capable of describing what it is about this wine they like. So, I knew if I picked up a product they suggested, it would be something I would enjoy depending on what it was being paired with.

Now, if someone I don't know goes off on a product - for positive or negative reasons - that I don't know, then I really know nothing about that product.

At this point, it's up to me to do my research and see if it's something I want to try.

But I am not going to jump to conclusions about a product I have no direct personal experience with.

If I am unable to hear the difference of changing something out, or trying something new, then it most likely is something I do not need and I should consider looking elsewhere to "improve" on my music listening experience.

Having said that, no tweak is an island...

Yes I was going to put that the same goes for Ted but forgot.

Nothing of consequence is likely to come out of this endeavor and both will leave the fray claiming victory. Although Ted will benefit if Gene doesnt take the bait.

I like the cage match suggestion.  
I cannot believe the people on the side of SR...
I know nothing of Audiohlics management but the guy from SR is a total D.B!
if I am reading this wrong I apologize....
Wine is a great analogy for blind testing. It reminds me of the french fellow doing his dissertation and dyed a white wine red. It was hilarious. 


So you know Ted?

I gather he has somehow wronged you directly?

Or is this just from what others have said about him?

Or perhaps, the fact that he speaks about his product with absolute certainty?